domingo, 6 de setembro de 2020


Hello there.

It's been a while since I finished the task of archiving the entire Zetsubou-sensei soundtrack, both on here and on YouTube.

But, about a month after I finished uploading all songs, it quickly became pointless. 

On June 17th, the Kakushigoto single that included a special Kenji Ohtsuki and Zetsubou Shoujo-tachi regroup after more than 10 years (!) was released. Along with that, the entire Zetsubou-sensei soundtrack came back to life into streaming services. Pretty much all of them. Nonetheless, it's incredible to think that King Records would still possibly give two fucks about SZS after the day that every single video in Zetsubou Music Archive was striked manually by some intern in Japan. Maybe that is the reason why they suddenly released the soundtrack again - because of channels like ZMA that uploaded it because, even if you did live in Japan, those CDs were printed more than ten years ago. They aren't the most readily-available things out there.

But that still left me a bit shocked, to be fair. When ZMA was striked, it was associated to my main account under a "brand account" - and because of that, my main channel was ALSO taken down. I lost, about then, three years of content. Maybe I should have seen it coming, considering how Zessei Bijin uploads got striked every year or so. Perhaps this could have been easily avoidable. But that is something I, unfortunately, cannot change.

Zetsubou Music Archive will still exist. However... I will not upload anything any longer, at least on [Zoku] - and it's not out of my own volition. 

Another product of my gross incompetence was that I created [Zoku] Zetsubou Music Archive under the very Google account that got striked to death. And I did that with such precise timing that, when I created it, my main channel was still alive - but it succumbed about 3 minutes after. That left the channel into a peculiar bugged state. When you log on into an account that has multiple channels over it, it logs on the main one, unless you override it. But the thing is that the main channel was already dead. How do you log into an account that, allegedly, violated ToS?

You don't.

Since I was already logged into it, however, I could bypass it. That let me operate the channel as normal. 

But then, one day, I had to change the password for it, because of a security leak on a certain writer website. And, since changing your password makes you automatically unlog from every single device you have, because, you know, Google, I... can't enter into it anymore. It's pretty much impossible. Thankfully, I had finished uploading the entire soundtrack by then, but that doesn't make it less shameful of my part.

That essentially makes Zetsubou Music Archive finished, on more ways than one. It's been a somewhat wild ride, but it's over. At last. It might spiritually continue into Kakushigoto Music Archive, but, as far as I know, Kakushigoto Original Soundtrack or even Kakushigoto Character Song Album haven't been released yet, so we'll have to wait.

Thank you to everyone that supported it. Unless Zetsubou-sensei Season 4 comes out, this blog will be pretty much inactive for a long time. So... goodbye.